Saya hanya ingin sharing ide untuk detil isi rekomendasi bagi beberapa mahasiswa berprestasi. Bapak Ibu guru/dosen/atasan dan sebagainya, rekomendasi yang Anda buat akan punya ‘magnitude’ jika ditulis dengan sepenuh penghayatan, bukan semata-mata karena anda punya otoritas untuk menulisnya.
Contoh 1
Had you required me to handwrite this letter, you will see it scribbled with grandiose flourishes because, honestly, I can hardly hold back my enthusiasm. To really know this applicant and understand why he deserves your support, please peruse the details of his application—they bespeak his achievements and mark his future prospect. I was his proud teacher when he was doing his undergraduate studies in English Language Teaching. He was a perceptive and critical reader ....
Contoh 2
I am pleased to acknowledge that *** is a multi-talented person with impressive achievements in the fields that he pursues… His faith in personal improvement is never shaken. He dedicates his life to grab the very first opportunity and will never betray his own ambition. *** is a beautiful man with a beautiful mind. I strongly support his plan join… and I believe that his participation will tremendously boost his artistic and professional quality as a writer, thinker, and academician.
Contoh 3
…amid her ‘seemingly impossible’ timetable she still manages to dedicate her time and energy for numerous academic and organizational activities. She loves to present herself at various championships both as a participant and organizer. *** is also an avid reader and outspoken debater who is forever keen to share her passion and perspectives. She lives in a vibrant and feverish world and simply loves what she does. *** is an endearing person with a wonderful vision for the future. Please peruse her attached CV and you will agree that my faith in her ability is justified. Should you have any queries about this prospective applicant, feel free to contact me at the number and email address below. Thank you for your kind support and attention to him.
Faithfully yours,
Arif Subiyanto
Bagaimana kata-katanya, sangar nggak? Hehehe. Ya tentu saja karena beliau memang dosen di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris :). Salam.